College of Education

Center for Culturally Responsive Evaluation and Assessment

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Center for Culturally Responsive Evaluation and Assessment

CREA 8 Call for Proposals** v5

Click here to Submit Call for Proposals 

Takeaways from the Seventh International CREA Conference

Read Dr. Diana Pollard McCauley William's blog, Takeaways from the 2023 CREA Conference, to learn about how the event enhanced her evaluation skills and broadened her perspective on inclusivity in evaluations and assessments. Some of her key takeaways included the importance of accurate storytelling, openness to new approaches, and the importance of embracing diversity and evolving methodologies for impactful evaluation. 

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In Honor of Stafford L. Hood, Ph.D.

We, the CREA community, mourn the loss of the Center’s Founding Director Dr. Stafford Hood, and we celebrate his legacy. Stafford brought us together as a family, and his vision created a unique space of collegiality, support, and intellectual exchange and dialogue. Stafford’s signature contribution to evaluation—the introduction and development of Culturally Responsive Evaluation (CRE)—has provided the ethical, conceptual, and methodological foundations of our collective work. Though words are hard to find to express the outpouring of love and support from our colleagues around the world, we write this joint statement in gratitude.[i]

Stafford spent a career moving assessment and evaluation toward equity and justice. He changed how we think about and practice inquiry. His work prompted us to critically reflect on what we learn and on how that knowledge is used. He did this by:  CONTINUE READING



What is CREA?

CREA is located in the College of Education at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. It is an international community of scholars/practitioners that exists to promote a culturally responsive stance in all forms of systematic inquiry including evaluation, assessment, policy analysis, applied research and action research. In this work, CREA recognizes issues of power, privilege, and intersectionality. Using its base at the University of Illinois, the Center provides a resource for organizations and individuals seeking to better understand and apply cultural responsiveness. CREA seeks to produce a body of informed practitioners, published scholarship, professional development opportunities, technical assistance resources and advocacy advancing cultural responsiveness across inquiry platforms and settings.

“CREA has been created as a vehicle for us to engage in rigorous evaluation, assessment, research, practice, and meaningful dialogue relative to our schools and particularly those schools that serve large enrollments of children who are poor and/or from culturally diverse backgrounds. Our collective experiences as researchers and evaluators provide us with professional and lived experiences to undertake this critically important endeavor.”