College of Education

Center for Culturally Responsive Evaluation and Assessment

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Hawaii logo"We commend the “hui [gathering] of Hawai’i based advocates for aloha-based evaluation and assessment practices” for now formally establishing the Center for Culturally Responsive Evaluation and Assessment: Hawai’i (CREA: HI). It is our sincere pleasure to acknowledge and celebrate the Memorandum of Understanding between CREA: UIUC and CREA: Hawai’i being formally finalized."

Native Hawaiian Data Sovereignty Statement

As Native Hawaiians, we have the sovereign right to govern the collection, ownership, and application of data from and about us and to use these data to honor and activate our self-determination. In exercising data sovereignty, our kuleana or responsibility is the well-being of our lāhui or nation and the perpetuation of our culture, knowledge, ways of doing, being, and knowing. To the highest extent possible, those interpreting and applying the data must ensure individuals, ʻohana, and kaiāulu or community from whom the data are collected are provided an opportunity to participate in the process (e.g., analyses, review of findings, or editing) and to benefit from it.

The Culturally Responsive Evaluation and Assessment-Hawaiʻi Affiliate

March 2023

  • Dr. Katherine Tibbetts Lili'uokalani Trust CREA-Hawai'i
  • Dr. Palama Lee Lili’uokalani Trust CREA-Hawai’i
  • Dr. Stafford Hood Founding Director, CREA

Professor Hood's Presentation at Lili'uokalani Trust Foundation with CREA- Hawai'i representatives